Dress Code

FCPS respects students’ right to express themselves in the way they dress. It is important, however, that their appearance is tasteful and appropriate for a K-12 school setting. Discussion about dress code violations shall be held privately and maintain the dignity of the student.

Clothing and accessories should not:

  • Display vulgar, discriminatory, or obscene language or images
  • Promote illegal or violent conduct
  • Contain threats or gang symbols
  • Promote the unlawful use of weapons, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or drug paraphernalia
  • Expose private parts or show an excessive amount of bare skin (see-through clothing)
  • Contain studs or chain belts
  • Include hats or other head coverings unless worn for significant religious, cultural, or medical purpose
    • School administration may reach out to a student’s family if clarification is needed regarding the purpose of a head covering.