School Innovation and Improvement Plan

An at-a-glance look at outcome goals for this academic school year.

School Innovation and Improvement Plan At A Glance

  • 2023-2024
  • Stenwood Elementary
  • Region 4
  • Erica Riley, Principal

English Language Arts


Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in English Language Arts.


  • By June 2024, the percentage of G1-3 students demonstrating 'on-grade-level' reading ability as measured by iReady will increase from 67% to 75%.

Strategy 1

  • Expand use of skills-based grouping to ensure students demonstrate mastery of foundational skills

Strategy 2

  • Increase use of data (e.g., iReady, CORE, PASS, PRF, WIDA) to plan instruction and monitor progress for students demonstrating risk

Strategy 3

  • Improve use of interactive read alouds for building knowledge and vocabulary through texts that affirm students' lived experiences.



Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in Mathematics.


  • By Spring 2024, the percentage of students passing the Math SOL in grades 3-6 will increase 5% from 90%(SY22-23) to 95%.

Strategy 1

  • Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Strategy 2

  • Improve teachers’ implementation of Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction.

Strategy 3

  • Increase teachers implementation strategies related to Shift 8: from looking for correct answers towards revealing student thinking.

Portrait of a Graduate (POG)


All students will complete a POG Presentation of Learning (POL) by 2025-26.


By the end of SY 2023-24:

  • 100% of students in Kindergarten will demonstrate increased understanding of POG as reported on a student survey given at the beginning and end of the year
  • 100% of students in 1st grade will be able to identify an artifact and describe how they used identified POG skill.
  • 100% of students in 2nd-6th grade will participate in POG POL with their full rubric scores recorded in RUBI.

Strategy 1

  • Expand opportunities for students to regularly learn about, apply, and reflect on POG skills aligned with course content

Strategy 2

  • Expand opportunities to collect evidence of growth of POG in a portfolio for students in grades 4-6.

Strategy 3

  • Increase opportunities for student reflection, goal-setting, and feedback that supports growth.

For additional information regarding this School Improvement Plan, please contact the school principal.