November 2021 Memories By November 24, 2021 Share Page 5th graders participated in The Dig! 5th graders participated in The Dig! Students bury their artifacts for other archaeologists to discover! Students bury their artifacts for other archaeologists to discover! The Dig Confrontation! The Dig Confrontation! The Book Fair was a success! The Book Fair was a success! Happy 50th Day of school! Happy 50th Day of school! Our kindergarten team is rocking it out for 50's Day! Our kindergarten team is rocking it out for 50's Day! Students collaborate on a project. Students collaborate on a project. Mr. Saruul's students love to read! Mr. Saruul's students love to read! 3rd graders love playing ST Math! 3rd graders love playing ST Math! We loved the Raptor Assembly put on by our awesome PTA! We loved the Raptor Assembly put on by our awesome PTA! Students saw birds of prey up close at the assembly! Students saw birds of prey up close at the assembly! Students enjoyed learning about birds of prey! Students enjoyed learning about birds of prey! Our admin completed an obstacle race for reaching our Help The Hive goal! Our admin completed an obstacle race for reaching our Help The Hive goal! All of SCA celebrating our veterans! All of SCA celebrating our veterans! Students made cards for our veterans! Students made cards for our veterans! SCA gave veterans cards and candy bars at the drive thru! SCA gave veterans cards and candy bars at the drive thru! Thank you to all who have served! Thank you to all who have served! PreviousNext Features October 2021 Memories November 05, 2021 See all the amazing memories that happened at Stenwood during October.