Bee Kind Run

1 mile at 8:15 am, 5K run at 8:45 am
Add to Calendar 2025-03-25 14:23:00 2025-03-25 15:23:00 America/New_York Bee Kind Run

bee kind run


Bee Kind Run - April 6th  Registration for Stenwood’s annual BEE Kind Run is open!

You can choose to run the 5K, the 1-Mile, or both! Cost to register is $20 for children under 17 and $25 for adults 18+. Make sure to register by March 23rd to secure your BEE Kind Run t-shirt! Registration for the BEE Kind Run on Sunday, April 6th is open to ALL – students, family, friends, neighbors, colleagues. Spread the word, mark your calendars, and don’t miss out! 


All children registrants MUST also have an adult registrant accompanying them. If your child plans to run with a friend's family, please send written notification to [email protected].

Warm up will begin promptly at 8:00am, followed by the 1-mile Fun Run at 8:15am and the 5K at 8:45am.

Packet pickup to take place on Friday, 4/4 from 5:30-7pm at the Kiss & Ride circle.


bee kind run


Bee Kind Run - April 6th  Registration for Stenwood’s annual BEE Kind Run is open!

You can choose to run the 5K, the 1-Mile, or both! Cost to register is $20 for children under 17 and $25 for adults 18+. Make sure to register by March 23rd to secure your BEE Kind Run t-shirt! Registration for the BEE Kind Run on Sunday, April 6th is open to ALL – students, family, friends, neighbors, colleagues. Spread the word, mark your calendars, and don’t miss out! 


All children registrants MUST also have an adult registrant accompanying them. If your child plans to run with a friend's family, please send written notification to [email protected].

Warm up will begin promptly at 8:00am, followed by the 1-mile Fun Run at 8:15am and the 5K at 8:45am.

Packet pickup to take place on Friday, 4/4 from 5:30-7pm at the Kiss & Ride circle.